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North Yorkshire County Council, Highways Act 1980 - Section 116, Stopping up of a Section of public footpath at Woodlands Park, Pickering

Notice ID: BRA1192025

Notice effective from
5th June 2019 to 5th July 2019

North Yorkshire County Council, Highways Act 1980 - Section 116, Stopping up of a Section of public footpath at Woodlands Park, Pickering

NOTICE is hereby given that North Yorkshire County Council, being the highway authority for the County of North Yorkshire, Intends to apply to Scarborough Magistrates' Court, Northway, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, Y012 7AE at 2pm on Tuesday 9 July 2019 for an Order under Section 116 of the Highways Act 1980 to authorise the stopping up of a length of public footpath at Woodlands Park, Pickering in the District of Ryedale on the ground that it Is unnecessary. The section of path concerned no longer exists on the ground. Access between the public highways linked by the former path Is now provided by pedestrian footways which form part of the local estate road. The effect of the Order will be that the length of path in question ceases to be recorded as highway. A plan showing the proposed area of highway to be stopped up and a copy of the proposed order is available from Simon Evans, Legal & Democratic Services, North Yorkshire County Council (contact - tel: 01609 532665) or email -

. A copy has been also been deposited at Pickering Library, The Ropery, Pickering, North Yorkshire, Y018 8DY and may be inspected there free of charge during normal opening hours.

Dated: 05/06/19

BARRY KHAN, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services] County Hall, Northallerton


BRA1192025.pdf Download

North Yorkshire County Council

County Hall , Northallerton , North Yorkshire , DL7 8AD 0845 8 72 73 74


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