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North Yorkshire County Council

Notice ID: BRA1647437

Notice effective from
11th March 2020 to 10th April 2020

North Yorkshire County Council
Temporary Prohibition of Traffic, Breedycroft Lane, Malton, Order 2020, No. 87 We intend to make this Order to prohibit any vehicle from using Breedycroft Lane, Malton for a temporary period of 2 weeks (subject to access to premises) between 30/03/20 & 03/04/20, due to works. The closure period will be indicated by traffic signs & a local alternative route will be signed on site where appropriate. All enquiries to Yorkshire Water - 03451 242424 or see

Temporary Prohibition of Pedestrians, Cyclists & Horse Traffic, Public Bridleway 25.72/3/1, Oswaldkirk, Order 2019 No 122, Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 - Section 14(1) (As Amended) Notice is hereby given that the above Order, the effect of which is to prohibit any public access along Public Bridleway 25.72/3/1, Oswaldkirk, between grid reference SE61348029 and SE62328058 due to (a dangerous bridge) has been continued in force for a further six months until 17/09/20 or until the completion of the works (whichever is the earlier), under Section 15(3) of the above Act with the approval of the Secretary of State for Transport. The further continuation of the closure will be put into effect by notices and signs. All enquiries to: Customer Services Tel- 01609 780780 Further details can be viewed at:

Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, Notice Under Article 15(3) Of Application for Planning Permission Accompanied by an Environmental Statement, Notice Under Regulation 25 Of The Town & Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 Submission of Further Information
Application Number: NY/2019/0078/73 dated 01/05/19. Proposed development at Land to the south of Knapton Quarry, East Knapton, Malton, North Yorkshire, Y017 8JA. I give notice that Knapton Green Energy Tetragen (Knapton UK) & NCG Estates, having made an application accompanied by an Environmental Statement to North Yorkshire County Council for planning permission for variation of Conditions No.2 and 30 of Planning Permission Ref. C3/16/01918/CPO to increase the tonnage of waste received at the Green Energy Facility to up to 130,000 tonnes per annum (around 120,000 tpa processed) up from the currently granted 80,000 tpa (65,000 tonnes processed), and increase maximum stored waste from 600 tonnes to 1080 tonnes (3 days fuel) at any time. Increase in vehicle movements from 40 48 per day., have submitted further information in relation to the Environmental Statement comprising the following:- Gexcon Updated Air Quality Assessment dated 07/01/20 Ref. No.: Gexcon-19-201014 -RA-1 Rev.: 01 Tetragen Rebuttal Letter dated 27/12/19, received 27/01/20. Members of the public may view the further information (and the original application, plans and Environmental Statement) at Ryedale District Council, Planning Department, Ryedale House, Malton North Yorkshire during all reasonable hours until 10/04/20. Please note that this may require a prior appointment. You are advised to check with the Council before making your visit. The application may also be viewed using the Online Planning Register on the County Council's web-site

Anyone who wishes to make representations should write to Planning Services, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AH or e-mail

by 10/04/20, quoting the above application number. Please be aware that all comments submitted by you are a matter of public record. Therefore, ? DO include your surname, initials and address (Anonymous comments are not considered) ? DO NOT include your signature, phone number or any other information you are unwilling to make public. Members of the public may obtain copies of the Environmental Statement and the further information from Knapton Green Energy Tetragen (Knapton UK) & NCG Estates so long as stocks last at a charge of £150.00
Dated: 11/03/20
Signed: D Bowe,
Corporate Director, Business & Environmental Service


BRA1647437.pdf Download

North Yorkshire County Council

County Hall , Northallerton , North Yorkshire , DL7 8AD 0845 8 72 73 74


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