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North Yorkshire Moors National Park

Planning Notice Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 Notice under Article 15 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)

Notice ID: MF0226899

Notice effective from
19th July 2017 to 18th August 2017

Planning Notice Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 Notice under Article 15 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)
Act 1990
Reference: NYM/2017/0465/FL Mr Ross Neasham, Timber Holme, Knolls Lane, Hawnby Construction of  2 storey extension together with internal alterations. The proposed development is considered to affect a Public Right of  Way. Reference: NYM/2017/0480/LB Mr Gordon Gibb, Kingthorpe House, Whitby Road, Kingthorpe Listed Building consent for internal and external alterations (omission of extension and extended timeframe – revised scheme to NYM/2016/0157/LB). The building concerned is a Listed Building. The application(s) may be inspected at the National Park Offices, by appointment or on the Authority’s website Comments on the application(s) should be sent via email, post or submitted using the online form within 21 days of the date of this advertisement, quoting the application reference number. Mr C M France, North York Moors National Park Authority, The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, York, YO62 5BP tel: 01439 772700 email: Date of Notice: 19 July 2017


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