CBASS Ltd (Complete Business Advisory Solutions) celebrates its first birthday this month. It was created by some of the county’s leading business people - including me! - and acts as a one stop shop for business support in Cumbria. It seeks to foster collaboration among businesses by forging key partnerships and hopefully inspiring the next generation of Cumbrian leaders.

As it celebrates its first birthday, let’s delve into what CBASS offers and how it supports local businesses.


Comprehensive Business Advisory Services:

CBASS provides a complete spectrum of business advisory services to enterprises in Cumbria. Whether you’re a start-up or an established organisation, CBASS aims to be with you at every stage of your business journey.

Their services cover various aspects, including business planning, legal and tax structure decisions, accounting software advice, national insurance, and employment contracts.

If you’re just starting out, CBASS offers expert support and up-to-date resources to guide you through the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Start-Up Advice and Funding:

For start-ups, CBASS offers tailored advice. Whether you need guidance on business planning, setting up bank accounts, or choosing the right legal structure, CBASS has you covered.

If you require initial investment to turn your business idea into reality, CBASS can connect you with funding options. They have links to banks, funding bodies, and alternative lenders.

Business Marketing and Staff Development:

CBASS recognises that building a successful business involves more than just financial aspects. They offer resources and expertise in business marketing, staff development, and employee engagement.

Whether you’re looking to expand your team’s potential or enhance your marketing strategies, CBASS provides valuable insights and support.

Blended Approach:

CBASS understands that business owners can’t know everything from the outset. They offer a blended approach, combining access to expert business advice and online resources. Having a trusted business adviser on call can make a significant difference.

CBASS organises professional networking events among business owners who share similar values and challenges.

CBASS uses a dynamic network of associates, business mentors, and partners who not only understand the challenges faced by local business owners but also actively run their own successful businesses in the county. The company is built on five core pillars, each pillar is led by a CBASS founding partner.

1.     PEOPLE: Claire McClean, Founder and CEO of award winning Realise HR has over 20 years of HR experience with some of the UK’s leading brands.

2.    FINANCE & LEGAL: Darren Moynan has over 20 years of financial experience supporting organisations with accountancy and tax. He is a director of MoynanSmith Chartered Accountants who support many SME's and individuals, both locally and nationally.

3.    DIGITAL, SEO & AI PROCESSES:  Gareth O’Rourke is the Managing Director of We Are Digital a full-service digital marketing agency based in Kendal.

4.    SALES & MARKETING: Peter Fleming, one of the UK’s leading business consultants and a Director at Britain’s Energy Coast Business Cluster (BECBC). Since January 2015, Peter has supported over 60 Cumbrian SMEs, improving their businesses. enhancing employee environments, and optimising work/life balance.

5.   PRODUCTIVITY & DELIVERY: Me, Ray McCreadie! I’m a seasoned business troubleshooter and growth specialist with over 30 years of experience working in change management.


So what do people think about the work carried-out by CBASS over the last year?

Paul Foster, Head of Programmes at Cumbria LEP, said: “Cumbria LEP have worked with CBASS on the Cumbria Accelerator programme, enabling us to work collaboratively to help businesses overcome challenges and seize growth opportunities. It has been pleasing to see CBASS grow impressively, which is down to their commitment to excellence in what they do and the first-rate service they offer to the businesses they advise.”

Shane Borg, Borg Woodwork Designs Ltd, said “Obtaining advice through the CLEP business support programme created a roadmap for my business, leveraging my previous discussion to assess my current status. CBASS helped me with defining my future objectives, and provided tailored guidance that has set me on a well-informed path towards success.”


Ian Stephenson, Managing Director of Technical Consortia (TCL) Ltd, Whitehaven said:

“As a designer, innovator, and creator of new concepts, first and foremost, the mantle of full-blown entrepreneurship does not sit easily on my shoulders. Equally, running a micro-entity, requires all the resources of larger SME’s, especially in the context of operating as a limited company, where every aspect must be managed with all due diligence and efficacy. I was able to gain access to professionals who are part of the CBASS partnership; from experienced business advisors, accountants, IT infrastructure experts, to lawyers who specialise in intellectual property and many others, including insurance brokers. The moral of this story: Don’t wait for the stormy clouds to appear, save up for the rainy day by working with like-minded professionals who can provide complete business advisory solutions”


Chloe Luper, Social Soda Ltd, Carlisle said “I approached Peter at CBASS through the CLEP 23-24 Business Support programme to discuss our current business growth challenges and help us develop a strategy for managing the company going forward and achieving our goals. Peter was able to look at every element of our business, ask the right questions and his advice has been invaluable.”



In summary, CBASS is more than just an advisory service; it’s a supportive network that fosters collaboration, partnerships, and growth among Cumbrian businesses. Using our collective expertise, knowledge, networks, creative approach, and the ability to understand the requirements of small businesses we believe the CBASS partnership is capable of successfully delivering this transformational opportunity for Cumbrian SMEs.

SMEs are urged to contact CBASS via the QRL code shown below for a free initial consultation.

Happy first birthday CBASS.