Plans to transform Barrow town centre are being ratcheted up following the planned closure of a major high street store.

Marks & Spencer has announced plans to close the town’s store but community leaders are devising proposals to improve the look of Dalton Road and the rest of the town centre.

It comes as the Government invites bids for a pot of money set aside to improve town centres up and down the country as internet retailers threaten the future of bricks-and-mortar shopping.

John Woodcock, the Barrow and Furness MP, said he was working alongside the Furness Economic Development Forum to present plans to the Government.

He said: “We need to accelerate the transformation plans and make sure we are communicating these plans to people looking at the town centre.

“The announcement over M&S has meant that is even more urgent and we have agreed to step that up over the next few weeks.

“We think can make a real difference."

Stuart Klosinski, chairman of the Furness Economic Development Forum agreed with Mr Woodcock that extra funding could make boost the town centre.

He said: “In Barrow we are on the edge of a great deal of change in the town centre with a number of developments set to provide us with a boost.

“We are exploring plans to present to the Government.”

Mr Woodcock also said plans would be worked on alongside BAE bosses, who could potentially provide cash to improve the look of the town centre.

He said: “I have been in discussion with the managing director of BAE (Cliff Robson) for some time about this.

“The company says the look of the town centre is something which is cited as a negative by a lot of workers they are looking to attract from the outside or staff they are looking to retain. I put to him if it is that important to you as a company then you need to consider investing directly to help lift the town centre. It is leading a lot of people to be living outside of Barrow and commuting in and that’s not the best for the business.”