A Penrith-based logistics firm is helping to reinforce the NHS's message to stay at home during the coronavirus lockdown.

A W Jenkinson, one of the UK's largest haulage firms, has emblazoned two of its lorry trailers with the message to "stay at home" wherever possible, in order to help protect the NHS during the coronavirus crisis.

One of the trucks will be based at the company's headquarters in Penrith, while the other will be based at its Runcorn depot.

The firm's director, Robert Jenkinson, said the new design was a way for the company to show that it was "extremely proud and thankful" to the NHS and all the nation's key workers involved in the response to coronavirus.

The honour of driving the Penrith-based truck will go to Bob Storey, who has a personal reason to be driving it with pride.

His wife, Lorraine, has only just returned home from the Cumberland Infirmary's coronavirus ward, after receiving a week of treatment at the Carlisle hospital.

Bob said that driving the lorry will be "very special." "“I am so grateful for the NHS,” he said.

“Lorraine was very ill, and was so well looked after."