A POWER network has encouraged MPs to back local energy for net zero.

MPs throughout the region are being called upon to back a new legislation which will transform the UK’s energy system and help lead towards net zero.

Electricity North West, the region’s power network operator, is asking MPs in the north west to support the Local Electricity Bill.

The bill, due to be re-introduced as the Ten Minute Rule on Wednesday, would see community energy groups be able to sell electricity directly to their local communities.

The bill would make the set up and running costs proportionate to the scale of the supply operation and would give Ofgem, the energy markets regulator, a duty to establish a Right to Local Supply.

Peter Emery, chief exec at Electricity North West, said: “The Local Electricity Bill will be a huge benefit to economies and communities in the north west and it will help unlock remarkable potential for new community energy schemes across the country.”