THE prospect of a new coal mine in Cumbria "seriously undermines" the UK government’s credibility ahead of November’s crucial climate talks, the environmental group Friends of the Earth has warned, as it stages a protest outside the proposed mine site.

A public inquiry into the application to build a coal mine near Whitehaven begins today.

Boris Johnson has made coal one of the top priorities for the forthcoming climate summit in Glasgow. The Prime Minister said: “We know what must be done to limit global warming – consign coal to history and shift to clean energy sources, protect nature and provide climate finance for countries on the frontline.”

Friends of the Earth will be opposing the application at the inquiry.

Friends of the Earth climate campaigner, Tony Bosworth, said: “The prospect of a new mine in Cumbria casts a long shadow over the UK government’s climate strategy, and its hosting of crucial climate talks in Glasgow in a few weeks’ time.

“The government has said coal must be consigned to the history books, and this must mean all coal not just that used for power generation.

“Areas like Cumbria should be at the forefront of government plans to transform our economy, create new jobs and build the cleaner future we so urgently need.”

Ruth Balogh, of West Cumbria Friends of the Earth, added: “Cumbria deserves far better than a new coal mine that will damage our local environment and further wreck the climate.

“The region needs more jobs, but these could and should be for industries that build a better future. Proper investment in West Cumbria could create thousands of new jobs in areas such as renewable energy, waste management and retrofitting buildings to make them more energy efficient.

“It’s time to leave coal, gas and oil in the ground where they belong.”

West Cumbria Mining has said it looks forward to the inquiry and the opportunity to explain why the proposed coal mine would fit in with net zero carbon ambitions.

Mark Kirkbride, CEO of West Cumbria Mining said: “We have considered the climate impacts of the project in great detail and implemented significant and world leading techniques to demonstrate that the resources industry can also achieve net carbon zero operations.”

Friends of the Earth are starting a rally from 9-10am today outside the main proposed mine site (the former Marchon chemical works), south of Whitehaven, to protest against the proposal.


New mine - the inquiry

  • The mine would be the UK’s first new deep coal mine for 30 years and is intended to provide coking coal for the steel industry until 2049
  • The inquiry – which will be conducted online – is expected to last around four weeks
  • The planning inspector will make a recommendation to Mr Jenrick, with a final decision expected by Spring 2022