Jill Glencross runs her own business, Jill Glencross Independent Funeral Directors Ltd, in Carlisle

What does your job involve?

I started my own business in 2018 after working in pathology at the Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle for 24 years and then training to become a funeral director. It has gone from strength to strength. We now care for more than 400 families a year which is amazing. We now employ 19 staff.

I drive a.... 

Black (obviously) E-Class Merc which is my work car and everyone else drives it too! I don't really have my own car!  

My idea of a great weekend involves...

Being off work! Friends, a nice meal and some prosecco or sauvignon blanc! Also being at home and in my garden with my husband and kids.  

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

To use my name and face for my business. Everyone knows who I am! Thanks Ian! You know who you are.

Which sport do you follow and who do you support? 

No one. I don't do sports of any kind. It doesn't interest me one bit.

Favourite pub, café or restaurant in Cumbria?

Oh, this is hard for me as we eat out often. I love (in no specific order) The Greyhound Inn at Bromfield, The Lounge on the Green, The Old Bank, Davids, Fantails, Andalusian, Penny Blue, The Bridge End in Dalston. The most fancy place I've ever eaten is Gilpin which was out of this world and a gift from Brian Lloyd with a night's stay!

Favourite walk in Cumbria?

I love Talkin Tarn and also Keswick.

Best view in Cumbria?

Maybe not the best view but for me I love driving into Caldbeck and at the top of the hill I always say "On top of the world."  It's on my doorstep and I love it.

What was the first piece of music you ever bought? 

Honestly, I can't remember, probably something from Culture Club or Bros. I was a Bros-ette!

Early riser or enjoy a lie-in? 

Early riser for work and go to bed early when I can. I get very tired. Not a night owl but quite often work until midnight.

How important is social media to you and what channels do you use? 

Very. I have a following of over 10,000 for my business on FB now. I was actually slated by others in the industry for it yet they now all have a FB page! Say no more. I do use Instagram which is linked to my FB and also LinkedIn.

The book or film which has had a lasting impact on you?

I'm not really a reader but Forget You Had A Daughter was amazing, true and made me want to write to Sandra Gregory personally. It's about a British woman who ends up in the Bangkok Hilton. Definitely something I would read again and recommend.

Apart from a mobile phone, which piece of technology has improved your life in the last couple of years? 

I have a MacBook Air which I love. Would never go back now.