This month in-Cumbria is profiling some of the county’s young entrepreneurs, top employees and stars of the future. Lennon Glass is 15 years old and from Cockermouth

Tell us about your business

My business is called Artify.

I make handmade custom bespoke rugs. I have so far designed an eight ball and paw prints for clients.  

I’m on social media (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok) for customers to follow me

When did you set up the business?

I set up about eight months ago simply because I really wanted an eight ball rug for myself and was struggling to find an affordable one that I liked.  

How does being a young person impact on your work?

Being young means I can take my time to learn and build up my business as I don’t need an income. I feel this means I’m really learning how to build a successful business.

It’s not specifically linked to my age, but I’m finding it tricky to source good value suppliers.  

Where/how have you learnt your skills?

My mentor has been great from the business side, and to make the rugs I watched lots of Tik Tok shorts.  

What motivates you in your working life?

I really want to learn skills and have a successful business in the future so I can work for myself – an office job is definitely not for me.  

What are your ambitions - both in work and life?

In work I would like to have the skills to create a business and run it successfully.

Personally, I want to live and learn so I can be successful and financially free.

What would your advice be to other young people setting out on their career?

I would say to definitely take the risk if you have an idea. It might not work but if you don’t try it you’ll never know. We learn through making mistakes so bite the bullet and do it. As you get older it's harder to take risks as you have other commitments so do it while you are young.