This month in-Cumbria is profiling some of the county’s young entrepreneurs and top employees.

Ben McGregor, 21, works for Lake District Estates Co Ltd, a family-owned business based in Kendal which owns holiday parks in the Lake District and Kirkby Lonsdale, and a marina in Lancashire. They also own some of the Lake District's top visitor attractions, including the Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway and Ullswater Steamers, as well as retail shops.

Ben joined the team as an apprentice in March 2021. He completed a 15-month apprenticeship in digital marketing before being offered a full-time role in the marketing department last year.
“Being a young person in the workplace can be challenging and daunting prospect. At times as a young person, it can be hard to feel like your voice is being heard, thus making speaking up in work situations more intimidating. I have been very lucky to work in a team where I’ve been treated equally to my colleagues, regardless of age, or experience, meaning I’ve felt able to contribute in key conversations and influence decision-making.
“As young people, we have a fantastic opportunity to provide a source of energy and fresh ideas to our organisations, looking ahead to our own futures and ensuring our businesses can continue to thrive for generations to come,” he says.
“I would love to be able to continue to work in this beautiful part of the world, playing my part in making sure Cumbria thrives for years to come. One of my main passions is mental health and I would love to continue to promote positive mental health in my organisation as I believe that for a business to succeed, its employees must be happy, healthy and enjoying work. “

He says his inspirations include his manager, Rachel Bell.

He says, “In ten years’ time, I’d like to think that I’ll still have the drive, passion and energy for work that I do now. My current role has opened so many doors and avenues for me to explore and I expect that my newfound passion for photography and videography will have developed further.”