Every Friday we ask somebody in Cumbria’s business community to tell us how they keep fit… today it’s the turn of Rory Black, a director of Designworks in Kendal

How many times a week do you like to exercise?

Every day of the week. On some days I’ll exercise a couple of times.

What sort of exercise do you do?

Road cycling, mountain biking, trail running, dog walking plus strength and conditioning.

Do you have any fitness goals?

To be fitter than I was in my twenties and thirties and to get under 6 hours on the Fred Whitton (cycling challenge)!

What’s the most physically challenging thing you have done in your life?

An Everesting Challenge which is to complete hill reps on a single hill, in a single activity until you climb 8,848m - the equivalent height of Mount Everest. I cycled 56 reps of Sedbergh Road in Kendal – 111 miles and 9,001 metres in total. It was a long day.

How does keeping fit impact on your work?

When I lived in London and worked in advertising, I used my bicycle commute to come up with concepts for ads – it was an uninterrupted opportunity to think. These days, my commute is less than 10 minutes but when you’re sat in front of a computer all day, there’s nothing better than getting active. Keeping fit means you’re less likely to have time off work with ill health or sickness. The endorphins that you get from exercise help relieve work-related stress.

In Cumbria:

Which sportsperson/fitness expert do you most admire?

Currently, the most kudos has to go to Sean Conway. Sean used to live in Coniston and I have met him a few times. This year, Sean completed 105 full distance iron mans back-to-back. Every day for 105 days, he swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles and ran a marathon.

When in your life did you feel at your fittest?

At the age of 49, I’m the fittest I’ve ever been. Technology has transformed training which means it’s more structured. Now my children are older, I have more time to train. I’m also a member of Kendal Cycle Club and cycling with friends helps keep you motivated.

On days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed, what motivates you to get up and go?

Either work or an early morning bike ride is usually enough motivation to get out of bed. However, if I’m really tired then rest is good for the body, so I’ll happily stay in bed.

How do you ensure a work/life balance?

I try and keep work to a set number of hours. Every day, I have lunch at home which means I can see my family and it helps productivity in the afternoon. I always aim to use my holiday allowance. When you manage your own business, it’s very easy not to take your full allowance.

What’s your top tip for remaining motivated?

Join a club or gym and meet like-minded individuals who will help push you on and keep you motivated.

If you’d like to take part in the Fit For Business Q&A send your answers to the questions to fl-sue.riley@newsquest.co.uk