Every Friday we ask somebody in Cumbria’s business community to tell us how they keep fit… today it’s the turn of our very own Joy Yates.

Joy Yates is the Regional Editor of Newsquest Cumbria.

How many times a week do you like to exercise?

I make sure I do 10,000 steps at least each day - a combination of running and walking - plus three classes.

What sort of exercise do you do?

As well as running and walking, I enjoy fitness classes such as HIIT, Rockbox, Clubbercise and Zumba. 

Do you have any fitness goals?

My main goals are to have fun, destress and wind down. I’d like to up my step count to 10.5k a week.

What’s the most physically challenging thing you have done in your life?

I’m more of a stamina fitness fan rather than favouring extreme sports or defined challenges. 

Working in The Lakes is perfect for me. I can walk for a solid eight hours over varied terrain - as long as there are no shelves or stark drops on either side.

How does keeping fit impact on your work?

Keeping fit clears my head and I use it as damage limitation to enjoy a glass of wine after a full-on day at work.

Which sportsperson/fitness expert do you most admire?

My answer can change. Currently, it’s Tyson Fury. I was hooked to the Netflix show At Home with the Furys. I loved looking inside his family life in the North West. 

In Cumbria:

When in your life did you feel at your fittest?

My fitness levels often depend on work status. In my 20s, I was a fitness and dance instructor and did some fitness coaching with a local league men’s football team.

I am currently quite comfortable with my age-related fitness levels. 

On days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed, what motivates you to get up and go?

I am very fortunate to love my job and working in beautiful Cumbria is a delight - that is my motivation.

How do you ensure a work/life balance?

My mantra is ‘Work hard, play harder’.

I do burn the candle at both ends but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

What’s your top tip for remaining motivated?

Be grateful for every day and cherish health and happiness.

If you’d like to take part in the Fit For Business Q&A send your answers to the questions to fl-sue.riley@newsquest.co.uk