Dianne Richardson is the CEO of Britain’s Energy Coast Business Cluster (BECBC) in Whitehaven

What does your job involve?

Ensuring we deliver member value. This can be everything from representing them in meetings and events to running our own networking events. I’m always looking for how we can make it easier for members to maximise their value and I’m really excited that we’re launching a BECBC app shortly!

I drive a...

Nissan Qashqai. We buy our cars from Edgars at Rowrah and always get fantastic service. I was recently treated to a chance to drive an electric BMW by Lloyd at Cockermouth and was very impressed so I’m likely to go electric next time I change the car. Range anxiety is no more!

Who would you invite to your dream meal? (Six people, alive or dead)

Sandi Toksvig, Taylor Swift, Nelson Mandela, Boadicea, Churchill and my Granda. I reckon between us we could figure out a plan to improve the world we live in and I’d love my Granda to see what I’ve achieved in my career as he always encouraged me so much.

My favourite TV programme is?

Strictly!! I’m watching Angela Rippon this yyear and thinking I can’t do that at my age so heaven help me when I’m 79! I look forward to it every Saturday night & feel really sad when it finishes just before Christmas.

Most memorable meal or favourite food?

A version of tarte tatin made with bananas that Jean Christophe Novelli once made...heaven on earth! I constantly have to battle a very sweet tooth but that tasted so good I couldn’t even feel guilty about it.

Biggest inspiration

At the moment, Taylor Swift. She has a song for every moment in life, particularly for women I think, and for her to have reached a place where she contributes to the US economy growth is amazing but she’s done it while being kind (see below!)

Best advice you’ve ever been given

Be kind. If everyone on earth was just a little bit kinder to everyone around them I think we’d live in a much better world. Kindness is much underrated in my opinion.

Which sport do you follow and who do you support?

I’m not a sporty type but my husband is an avid Manchester United fan so if I didn’t support them I’m not sure my marriage would have survived 35 years!

Favourite pub, café or restaurant in Cumbria

I could never choose, we’ve got so many amazing eating places here in Cumbria. I’ll give a shout out to The Ribton on Hensingham which is near my home. My first ever job was there as a waitress when it was the Lowther Arms and they’ve transformed it. Perfect for afternoon business meetings. Further afield the North Lakes at Penrith is a fabulous location for business, especially if meeting someone who’s travelled up the motorway.

Favourite walk in Cumbria

Longlands Lake near Cleator, I often go there with my friend Kate Wilson from KW Creatives and our dogs Chester and Harris. They have such a marvellous run around and we get fresh air, space and amazing views. You don’t have to go far or climb a mountain in our area to be blessed by amazing scenery.

Early riser or enjoy a lie-in?

Early riser, I love the mornings before others get up. I’ll walk my dog then do some exercises and meditation before breakfast. Even at weekends I’m usually out for my walk before seven and whether it’s a dark winter’s morning or a sunny summer’s one it sets me up for the day.

How important is social media to you and what channels do you use?

Anybody who knows me knows I’m never on social media. A lot of people see it as a negative but I feel it’s a tool and we choose whether to use it positively or negatively. I use LinkedIn most and that’s definitely my favourite but I also have Facebook for family and friends, Instagram because I’m trying to like it and X which I rarely use now and I’m thinking of leaving.

The book or film which has had a lasting impact on you

I’d say Turn the Ship Around by David Marquet. It’s where I found my leadership style and I’ve just bought it for James and Ellen who work on our team so they understand where I’m coming from. I’m an avid reader and have lots of books that I love including Find your Why by Simon Sinek and Organisations and their Gods by Charles Handy. I always have one business book and one fiction book on the go.