Every Friday we feature one of the county’s business people on the newsletter and find out how they keep fit… today’s it’s the turn of Missy Louise Ravenscroft, a receptionist at The Swan Hotel & Spa in Newby Bridge 

How many times a week do you like to exercise? 

I exercise every day due to my commitment with my horses, so I ride every day as well as tackling the not so nice and smelly jobs that come with the joy of having horses! 

What sort of exercise do you do? 

As well as my daily ride, I do like to go for a walk every day, but often there isn’t time. I go to the gym two-three times a week and I do a range of different things to help build my core and general strength.  

In Cumbria:

Do you have any fitness goals? 

My fitness goal is just to gain more strength to help me with handling the horses.  

 What’s the most physically challenging thing you have done in your life? 

In 2019 I had a major operation and shortly after my recovery I attended the STARS champion of champions show at Aintree which I previously qualified for earlier in the year. I only had two weeks to train after being bedbound and didn’t eat for weeks, which was physically and mentally draining. 

How does keeping fit impact on your work? 

I feel keeping fit really helps clear my mind, which helps me to focus on improving my skills at work and also being able to work under pressure at times.  

 Which sportsperson/fitness expert do you most admire? 

My most admired sportsperson is Bella Hadid. She can manage two completely different aspects to life with her horses and her modelling. She really inspires me to keep going even though it can all get a little too much at times.  

In Cumbria:

 When in your life did you feel at your fittest? 

Not sure - I fluctuate with my fitness all the time. I have a week of being absolutely exhausted and then I will have a week of being so motivated that I won’t stop, but I think it’s good to not be the same all the time, if your mind and body are telling you to rest then you should listen to that!  

On days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed, what motivates you to get up and go? 

I hate getting up but as soon as I’m up and outside in the fresh air it makes me realise how grateful I actually am for being able to live the life I do, so I would say gratitude is the main motivator.  

How do you ensure a work/life balance? 

I ensure I have clear work hours and stick to them as much as possible, allowing myself to fully disconnect from work during personal time. Regular breaks and self-care activities help me stay energized and prevent burnout. Ultimately, finding balance is about honouring both professional commitments and personal wellbeing. 

What’s your top tip for remaining motivated? 

My top tip for remaining motivated would definitely be to do your daily gratitudes and keep  going no matter how hard it gets. The hard work really does pay off in the end.