A family-run business in the Lake District is looking to the future after nearly 50 years of operation.

Coniston Stonecraft, which makes handmade products out of locally quarried slate, has been working in Cumbria since 1976.

Read more: Lake District: Coniston business up for regional award | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

Yet the owner, Brendan Donnelly, said he was 'actively looking' at what the future holds for the business going forward.

He said: "We could become a charity to train the next generation of slate masons  - [because] there is a real and present need.

"Or we sell to someone who can take the business to the next level, or we welcome an angel investor who can guide us into new areas."

Those who are interested in any of those options are encouraged to get in touch by emailing info@conistonstonecraft.co.uk or by messaging their Facebook page.

The hope is that the slight shift in agenda can help them continue to create fine products at their base at the foot of the Old Man, whilst also taking on a whole new capacity.