Every Friday we ask somebody in Cumbria’s business community to tell us how they keep fit… today it’s the turn of Anya Caine      

Anya is the H&H Land & Estates Cockermouth and West Cumbria Property Area Manager

How many times a week do you like to exercise? I would like to have more time during the week, however at the moment it is at the weekends.  



What sort of exercise do you do?


My ultimate exercise is fell walking and exploring the Lake District with my partner Mark and our dog, Willow, and it is a cherished part of my routine. My favourite lake walks include Cogra Moss and Loweswater, while Haystacks is my top choice for a fell walk, but only when it's dry. For a quick and convenient outing, I regularly enjoy a brisk 45-minute walk around Sale Fell or Ling Fell, which are close to my home. I also enjoy paddle boarding on Bassenthwaite Lake or in the sea off the west coast when the weather permits.


Do you have any fitness goals?


Generally, I just like to be healthy and fit enough to allow me to do what I enjoy doing. But I also think that keeping fit is the best way to keep away those aches and pains. Generally speaking I do believe that keeping yourself being fit enough to exercise enhances  the way you feel and your overall quality of life.


What’s the most physically challenging thing you have done in your life?


Giving birth is definitely the most physically challenging thing I have every done! However definitely worth it has I now have my beautiful daughter Eliza.





How does keeping fit impact on your work?

Keeping fit is a fantastic way to manage stress and maintain a clear mind, especially when dealing with the often hectic and demanding property market. Regular exercise not only boosts physical health but also enhances mental well-being, helping me stay focused, calm, and resilient in the face of daily challenges.


Which sportsperson/fitness expert do you most admire?

Roger Federer is my all-time sporting hero. He was probably the most talented tennis player in the history of the game but he was also an incredible athlete and he must have been fantastically fit to perform at that amazing level for so many years.


When in your life did you feel at your fittest?

Probably in lockdown as I started the ‘couch to 5k’ regime and because of the amount of spare time I had on my hands. I was running three to four times a week and running raised my fitness to a level that walking just can’t achieve.


On days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed, what motivates you to get up and go?

My dog wouldn’t let me lie in bed, so I’d have to say she’s my main motivation. Even if I’m struggling to get into gear, she needs the exercise and that gets me going – along with the thought that there’s so much to see and enjoy on our doorstep so why waste a precious day off!


How do you ensure a work/life balance?

I'm quite good at getting the job done then setting work aside and enjoying my weekends without any lingering job-related stress. It's not that I don't consider work at all in my downtime, but my family and friends are of paramount importance to me, and days off are dedicated to catching up with them.


What’s your top tip for remaining motivated?

My motivation stems from striving to provide the best service possible for my clients. I truly aim to assist them through any prolonged processes, endeavouring to make their experience a little easier whenever I can. I imagine the support  I would want if I were in their position, and that propels me to give my utmost effort.

Staying motivated at home comes naturally to me. With my daughter embarking on her journey into further education and her career, I strive to be at my best for her, and staying fit and well is part of that commitment.