A Carlisle-based manufacturer of specialist door systems has officially been presented with the King's Award for Enterprise: Innovation.

Clark Door Limited was recognised for the significant innovation it has brought to its operations, products, and services, boosting both its sector and the broader economy.

This is its second award of its kind, having previously been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade.

This year's award was for an outstandingly innovative new product - the Clark Multigard®, a security-rated door with a variety of high-performance features including fire resistance and acoustic properties.

The Multigard® has quickly become the fastest-selling new product in Clark Door's half-century history.

This multi-functional door system has found itself in notable locations such as The National Gallery in London and the SGX Centre in Singapore.

Adding to the celebrations, the lord-lieutenant for Cumbria, Alexander Scott, along with his deputy Chris Holmes (also sheriff for Cumbria), visited the Clark Research and Development Centre for the award presentation and even took a tour of the factory.

(Image: Clark Door Limited)

Managing director of Clark Door, Andrew Ashley, couldn't hide his pride in his team: "We are honoured to receive the King's Award for Enterprise in Innovation.

"This award reflects our commitment to understanding and meeting the evolving needs of our clients.

"We were approached by architects and clients in different market sectors who all asked us for something better."

He continued: "When we took a step back, we realised the ideal solution in one of those sectors had much crossover into new market segments for us.

"The approach of the Clark Multigard® was extremely innovative in solving numerous problems at once, with its multiple high-performance characteristics."

(Image: Clark Door Limited)

Mr Ashley believes that the King’s Award is an excellent endorsement for potential customers and a testament to the dedication of his team.

He said: "I am proud of our team for winning this award, it is positive recognition of their capabilities and hard work.

"It has been a very enjoyable day for us all."

The Clark Multigard® is unique in terms of its blend of advanced security features and performance in sound control.

The award is one recognition of Clark Door's ongoing investment in creating industry-leaders and setting new standards in the sector.

The company remains steadfast in developing solutions to meet the unique needs of their international clientele.

Further details on the Clark Multigard® and Clark Door's other products are available at www.clarkdoor.com.