A WEB design company in Cumbria has won a national award. 

Kierweb, a Carlisle-based firm, has been awarded the Web Design Agency of the Year 2024/25 by the North England Prestige Awards.

Darren Kierman, who solely runs the business, has been operating for 20 years since he started the business back in 2004. 

He said: "Kierweb has been running for 20 years, and recently I found out that I'd won an award from the North England Prestige Awards. 

"It's a web design company where I build websites for people, I mainly work with clients from Carlisle and Cumbria, but I've also worked with people from abroad too. 

"I decided the start the business all those years ago because I was always interested in web design. 

"I'd always done this sort of thing as a bit of a hobby, and I decided that I wanted to start doing it as a business and make a career out of it. 

"In 2004 I went part-time on it as I was working in another job at this time, and then ten years later in 2014, I was able to go full-time on it. 

"For the last ten years, I've been fully self-employed running my own business. It's been gradually getting better over the years and during the Covid years, it became stable because everyone needed a website so that work continued. 

"During the recession in 2008, I managed to just keep it going, so it is a stable company."

Darren explains that he operates the entire business from a home office in Carlisle. 

He says that he's happy to be recognised for his work. Darren plans to carry on with what he's doing and make sure to keep the company stable. 

Over the past 20 years, Darren says that he has managed to maintain a successful business which is something that he's proud of. 

Mr Kierman added: "I've developed a good reputation in Cumbria, a lot of my work comes through word of mouth, so a lot of my jobs come from referrals. 

"I aim to work with smaller businesses like bed and breakfasts and fencing companies, but I do work with the odd bigger business."