Music has always been important to Jayne Moorby MBE, Head of Marketing at the Oxley Group in Ulverston. Now she not only listens to it, but DJs too…


What does your job involve?

Oxley designs and manufactures high specification LED lighting and electronics for the defence industry. I manage all aspects of marketing at Oxley, along with building relationships with customers and the industry internationally. Oxley has been in Cumbria for over 80 years and our place really matters to us, so a great part of my role is supporting our community and working with young people to develop skills for the future success of the area.

Who would you invite to your dream meal? (Six people, alive or dead)

My favourite subject is music, so I would indulge myself with six favourite artists, we’d all be arguing over what record to put on though!

Bryan Ferry

David Bowie

Al Green

Edwyn Collins

Tim Booth

Richard Hawley

My favourite TV programme is?

Any travel or food programmes, I particularly like Nigel Slater, Rick Stein and Stanley Tucci inspiring me to visit new places and cook new dishes. I have recreated many of their tours across Europe, I especially love seeking out local producers in obscure places.

Most memorable meal or favourite food?

Lebanese food is my favourite, I travelled to Beirut on holiday and visited a beautiful farmer’s kitchen situated in the Bekaa valley with panoramic views across the wine growing valley to Syria. The kitchen is run by local Lebanese women and Syrian refugees and celebrates the culinary traditions of the region: fattoush, falafel, muhammara, pomegranates, aubergine, cheese – it was a divine experience!

My idea of a great weekend involves…

Being in a city, somewhere cool like Glasgow, Manchester, Sheffield or London, watching a gig, shopping for vinyl and discovering great new places for food and drink.

Favourite pub, café or restaurant in Cumbria

As a vegetarian for 40 years, I have always been a huge fan of Zeffirellis in Ambleside who were making great veggie food years before it became so accessible. Another favourite is ‘new kid on the block’ Industry Kitchen in Barrow for their fabulous weekend brunches.

Favourite walk in Cumbria

I’m not a climber so I like the flat walks, walking from Elterwater down the river to Skelwith Bridge is lovely on a sunny Sunday.

Best view in Cumbria

We’re not short of beautiful views in Cumbria, but as a proud Barrovian the one that resonates most with me is standing at the top of the cemetery at sunset and looking out over the industrial landscape of the town framed by the Cumbrian mountains and out to the sea with Blackpool Tower and the Isle of Man visible on clear days.

What was the first piece of music you ever bought?

I love music, as a teenager I loaned records from Barrow library, the first record I can remember actually buying was Goldmother by James in 1990. This started a 34-year love affair with the band, who I have now watched live 49 times…and currently planning my 50th!

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know

In my spare time I do some DJing, so you might find me in a bar or in Barrow Park spinning post punk, new wave and indie tunes!

Early riser or enjoy a lie-in?

Early riser, I love getting up early when I’m travelling and wandering for a coffee before the world wakes up.

How important is social media to you and what channels do you use?

I am a self-confessed social media addict, I use all of them excessively! We joke that I often get approached at gigs with ‘Is it Jayne from Twitter?’

The book or film which has had a lasting impact on you

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It’s a thriller set in the Spanish Civil war, based around a forgotten library and its full of mystery and suspense, stimulating your imagination and taking you on a whirlwind journey through the back streets of Barcelona. I like books that are totally immersive and encompassing.