Phil Collier is the owner and Director of Phil Collier Associates based on Walney Island, Barrow

What does your job involve?

Providing business and HR advice to SMEs in Cumbria (and further afield).

I drive a….

Toyota Yaris Hybrid. I have just downsized from my Mercedes E-class Estate that I’ve been driving for the past five years… partly as we lost our dog last year and no longer need the estate but also the move to hybrid sits better with my conscience. There is also the fact that, as we advise businesses to think more about being both cost efficient and sustainable, I thought it was time for me to do likewise!

Who would you invite to your dream meal? (Six people, alive or dead)

Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Kenny Dalglish, Jane Austen, Taylor Swift, Sir David Attenborough, Josie Lawrence.

My favourite TV programme is?

Match of the Day – I try not to listen to the football results so that I can watch the highlights without knowing the scores.

Most memorable meal or favourite food?

I’m very basic when it comes to food… ham, egg and chips for me!

My idea of a great weekend involves…

Trying not to work, watching football on Saturday (Barrow AFC) then heading out birdwatching or photographing on Sunday.

Biggest inspiration

I learned (inherited?) my values and my work ethic and from my mum and dad but from a work perspective one of my old bosses, a guy by the name of Ian Serjent, was probably my biggest inspiration.

Best advice you’ve ever been given

Treat everyone as you would expect to be treated yourself and you won’t go far wrong.

Which sport do you follow and who do you support?

I love all sports but I am first and foremost a football fan. I grew up in Liverpool and went to my first match at Anfield on my ninth birthday. As well as my beloved Reds, I am a big fan of Barrow AFC and try to get to all home games as well as some away games each season.

Favourite pub, café or restaurant in Cumbria

As I don’t drink, I’m not a pub kind of person.

Favourite walk in Cumbria

This has to be around the Cumbria Wildlife Trust Reserve at South Walney. It is close to home but wild and remote with fantastic views and some great wildlife. It really enables me to chill.

Best view in Cumbria

I love the view up towards High Street driving down Haweswater.

What was the first piece of music you ever bought?

I bought a lot of vinyl in my younger days, especially the Beatles, although my first ever single was World by the Bee Gees.

Early riser or enjoy a lie-in?

I’m definitely a lie-in person, which fits with me being a late-to-bed person.

How important is social media to you and what channels do you use?

I’m not the biggest fan of social media although it does keep me abreast of what is going on where and with/by whom. As a hobbyist photographer, Facebook and Instagram give me an opportunity to share my images. I use (with varying degrees of regularity) Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X.

The book or film which has had a lasting impact on you

To Kill a Mockingbird, which I studied way back during my O-Level English.

Apart from a mobile phone, which piece of technology has improved your life in the last couple of years?

I’m not a massive techy.