Carlisle is one of the worst cities in the country for student rental rates, according to a new study.

A study by AddLiving which compared student rental rates with local averages in cities across the UK revealed that some students were paying more for their digs than their local communities.

Carlisle is the third-worst, with students paying £29 more each week than the locals, amounting to an additional £1,524 every year.

Graduate Surveyor from AddLiving, Olly Roberts, said: "As with house prices, the cost of renting is climbing across the UK and this challenge will be the same for students as well as those in the private rented sector.

"University is a costly time for students and many will be looking for the best way to make their loans stretch as far as they can.

"While these are just estimates, it highlights how difficult it can be for some students to find good, low-cost housing at a time when money and earnings should be coming second to their education."

Some students at Aberystwyth are paying rents costing almost £2,000 more than the local average.

Students at universities in Surrey, Winchester, Cambridge and Oxford fared the best outside of London.